by Scott Fogo and Brad Ermeling
“Investments in bold ideas should be matched by an equal investment in support and attention to detail” (Ermeling and Graff-Ermeling, 2016)
by Dan Gehrke
When my ten-year old son was six, my wife and I signed him up for karate at the local recreation center. Weekly he would join around twelve other six-year olds and his teacher would put them through all sorts of drills and discipline exercises. We sat in the “parent gallery” and watched.
by Dr. Jeremy Lowe
When you think of educational technology, what pops into your mind? Is it one-to-one initiatives, SMART Boards, iPads, or MacBooks? Do your hands get clammy when you wonder how in the world to budget for technology within your schools or how to or who will lead teacher training?
By Jim Pingel
New England Coach Bill Belichick is renowned for his ability to make “halftime” adjustments for his football team. How about you? Are you good at helping your school and team members make changes, corrections, or enhancements at the break?
Your feedback helps us make the Heartland Summit better each year! Read some thoughts from this year’s attendees…
by Jim Pingel
How well does your faculty use the Power Tools of teaching—retrieval practice, spacing, interleaving, and feedback boosts?