On the Exit

by Scott Ernstmeyer

Psalms 133:1-3

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes!
It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion!
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.

 Greetings ALSS Leaders! Dr. Pingel asked me to share some thoughts as I wrap up my time serving on the ALSS Board, this year as President. I would start by saying thank you. What you do serving Jesus every day on campuses all over the world is nothing short of amazing! With COVID on the downward slide we are beginning to see glimpses of a “brighter” tomorrow for which I am thankful! As your 2021-22 school year takes its journey towards completion, here are some things to keep in mind.

Embrace and Flush
We’ve learned a lot of new things during this world-wide pandemic. Embrace the things that have made education better. We’ve also identified a lot of things that really didn’t matter all that much. Feel free to flush those practices and not bring them back. Nothing is going “back to normal.” We are starting fresh from a new position and it's important to be ok with it!

More Important Than Ever
As I sit down to write these thoughts, Russia is actively invading Ukraine. Add this war to a growing list of things that our young people are trying to understand and process these days. From racial unrest, to gender fluidity, to pandemics, to a whole myriad of other issues in our world today, our students (and adults) have a lot to work through. The solution is found in one source—Jesus. As Christians we are called to love first, through Christ. Our schools are a place to teach what it means to be a person of Christian Love in a world that desperately needs Jesus. This should get us out of bed in the morning excited to be a part of the team kicking Satan’s butt each and every day!!!

Do Sabbath
How is your sabbath rhythm going? Are you taking care of yourself? If so, thank you for being intentional. If not, why not? If true rest and recovery isn’t part of your routine, I would boldly challenge you to do something about it. Our students need you to be healthy and energized to lead and love. They also need adults to model sabbath. The first step in making this happen is setting an intentional goal. A close second step is finding someone to hold you accountable to taking care of yourself. Give this to God and make it happen if you aren’t already doing so!

Fellowship Matters
After my wife Sara, the two most important supports in my life include fellow ALSS Administrators and my Men’s Small Group (Bible Study). In my time being involved with the ALSS, I have yet to run into a situation where other leaders weren’t willing to stop what they were doing and share support, wisdom, and encouragement. As leaders, we need to lean into others who are walking in our shoes for much needed help on those “worst” days. If you don’t already have someone to connect with, my cell phone number is 402-540-0888. Give me a call. I know there are countless others serving in our schools who would gladly say the same. I am also forever grateful for a small group of men to meet with each week. This group has literally come to my office and prayed over me on my worst day. Surround yourself with these types of people because one of these days you will be very thankful they have your back when you need them the most.

Humbled and Honored
To say that serving on the ALSS Board has been a humbling experience would be an understatement. To sit at a table with a group of people that love Jesus deeply and are literally some of the best in the world at leading schools has been such an honor. I am thankful to call them friends and colleagues. We are blessed to have great leadership from Dr. Hahn and support from his lovely wife Janet. They make a great team and it has been a joy to watch the ALSS thrive under their leadership in spite of a worldwide pandemic. Thank you Dave and Janet for all you do!

Scott Ernstmeyer is the Executive Director of Lincoln Lutheran High School and was ALSS President from 2021-2022. Scott can be reached at sernstmeyer@lincolnlutheran.org.
