Tailwinds and Headwinds in LCMS Education

by Dr. Mary Scott

From 2016-2020, my family and I served in LCMS ministry at Concordia International School in Shanghai, China. While we thoroughly enjoyed our experience there, we didn’t really enjoy the long flights from Los Angeles to Shanghai and back. Due to the winds, the flight from LAX was about 14 hours and 50 minutes long. The flight from Shanghai to LA was “only” 11 hours and 45 minutes long. A flight time reduced by 3 hours was much more pleasant! We learned to understand the effects of “headwinds and tailwinds” on our transpacific flights. 

In aviation, business, and ministry headwinds can increase costs, require more energy, and lengthen the time it takes to reach your goals. Tailwind conditions, on the other hand, can propel your ministry and help move it forward more quickly than expected. Skills at navigating both tailwinds and headwinds are necessary in ministry. Applying these concepts to LCMS education is the topic of this article. 

As you read this article, keep in mind that understanding the context for your ministry is critical. While I’ve tried to stay “above the horizon” on these categories, not all of them will apply to your setting. When they don’t apply, I’d encourage you to substitute something that does apply to get a broader picture of the effects of tailwinds and headwinds in your setting.   

Tailwinds in LCMS Education

COVID-19 – During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, many public schools were closed much longer than private schools. In addition, parents had a daily opportunity to be “in the classroom” when their students were on Zoom or online. During the following 6-18 months, in some cases, this combination propelled families to “check out” private education and in parts of the world, declining enrollments changed course. Today, we find the overall number of students enrolled in Lutheran schools in the Pacific Southwest District at the highest number we’ve seen in years.   

Multiple levels of LCMS education – From infant care through doctoral education, we’ve got it covered. Some people are very happy to send their youngest learners to Lutheran education but don’t want their kids to go to private high school or college. Others prefer to save money in public education so they are able to send their children to a Lutheran college. LCMS educational ministry provides multiple levels of excellent education. 

History of providing high quality education – Martin Luther was no stranger to education. His influence on education from the 1500’s still impacts LCMS education. Luther was especially vocal about the need for people to hear the Gospel every day as well as the importance of providing high quality education. With the combination of these experiences, Lutheran school graduates go on to outstanding high schools, colleges, universities, and professions. They are critical thinkers and leaders who share a love of Jesus in what they do and who they are.  

Multiple models of education – Whether parents seek classical education, online, traditional, blended, hy-flex, career technical education, micro-schools, or international schools, the LCMS school system has various models of education covered. While you will not find all of these options in your area, the worldwide system of educational options is something we should be proud of and keep in mind when discussing education with prospective families and employees. The world is very interconnected and the LCMS even more so. During COVID-19 this interconnected system was a valuable resource for Concordia Shanghai. We were able to place families who had returned to the US in partner LCMS schools across the US. What a blessing for the families and for the LCMS schools!  

Headwinds in Lutheran Education

Teacher burnout - While this is not specific to LCMS education it is a reality in the teaching profession today. Social media, 24/7 communication access from parents and sometimes from administration weighs on the very people we want to be filled with the Gospel message in the classrooms today. Traditionally, and unfortunately sometimes we even joke about it, the “Lutheran school way of pitching in” wears on our faculty members. Yes, I have done my share of service in ministry by coaching all three seasons and then helping out at the plays, preparing the Easter kids program at our church, etc.…and survived so what’s changed? There is a difference between surviving and thriving. The generational differences between Baby Boomers and Millennials are evident in school ministry. The very hearts we look for when hiring teachers are the ones that break when they can’t impact the lives of their students and maintain life outside of school. This may not be true for all teachers but my perspective is that social media and 24/7 communication access adds to the negative narrative teachers are feeling, participating in and experiencing today.   

Lack of trained LCMS teachers – This is not new and doesn’t appear to be improving. I’ve been blessed to serve with many outstanding teachers in my career. Some of them were not trained in the LCMS tradition and their contributions to the ministry were incredible!  However, there is such a thing as “critical mass” within any organization. LCMS schools continue to hire “non- LCMS trained and non-members” as teachers in their schools. Over time, this impacts the school culture in many and various ways. While sometimes it’s positive, the potential to impact the theological underpinnings of LCMS education is important to critique. Maintaining a steadfast position of limited ways in which to provide LCMS training hampers our ability to increase people “in the pipeline” with access to this education.      

Demographic change – We see the impact of demographic change all around us. Across the globe, people are having fewer children. The average birth rate per woman in 2019 declined to 2.4. In 1964 the average was 5.6. The percentage of adults in the U.S. that hold a belief in God continues to decline, many fewer are Lutherans and even fewer are members of the LCMS. Church membership has gone off a cliff since COVID but was already on a decline before the pandemic. While the LCMS works hard to disciple non-white neighbors and friends, it is indeed a challenge. 

Tailwinds and headwinds impact flights, business and ministry but don’t stop them. God is always at work in our LCMS schools. Remember Jesus calmed the storms with the disciples. So too, he calms our storms as we go about each day, connecting people to Jesus! May our good and gracious God mightily bless you today and every day in school ministry!  

Dr. Mary Scott is the CEO/Executive Director of Orange Lutheran High School. She can be reached at mary.scott@lhsoc.org.